Friday, August 22, 2008

Auguest 22 Workout

Today is an easy workout day for me. I had two days of good snatches here in Towson and changed gears a bit. First, I used my 20 kg kettlebell, instead of the 24kg one and did one easy circuit as well as some core work.

Here is the circuit:

10 kettlebell swings, left and right
5 Long cycle clean and press, left and right
10 kettlebell swings, left and right
5 racked squats, left and right
10 kettlebell swings, left and right
2 Turkish Get-Ups, left and right
10 kettlebell swings, left and right
10 snatches, left and right
10 kettlebell swings, left and right

I did this in my backyard and then went to the gym and did 7 sets of three reps of "Knees to Elbows." (Video to follow)


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